For Actors:

Dramatic Repertory Company aims to make a dramatic difference in the community. By presenting challenging works that engage the heart and mind, DRC provides exposure to new and overlooked theatre, as well as fresh perspectives on classic works. With an emphasis on Maine premieres, Dramatic Repertory Company serves the community by presenting productions that otherwise may never be staged in Maine.

The Moors (2022)
Theatrical Highlight of 2022 - Portland Phoenix
Cock (the cockfight play) (2018)
Theatrical Highlight of 2018 - Portland Phoenix
Year of the Rooster (2018)
Theatrical Highlight of 2018 - Portland Phoenix
Venus In Fur (2017)
Theatrical Highlight of 2017 - Portland Phoenix
The (curious case of the) Watson Intellegence (2015)
Theatrical Highlight of 2015 - Portland Phoenix
Gidion's Knot (2015)
Theatrical Highlight of 2015 - Portland Phoenix
Equivocation (2014)
Theatrical Highlight of 2014 - Portland Phoenix
My Name Is Rachel Corrie (2014)
Theatrical Highlight of 2014 - Portland Phoenix
A Bright New Boise (2013)
Theatrical Highlight of 2013 - Portland Phoenix
[title of show] (2013)
Best Ensemble - 2013 PEER Awards
Swimming in the Shallows (2013)
Best Supporting Actress - Janice O'Rourke - 2013 PEER Awards
Best Supporting Actor - Christopher Holt - 2013 PEER Awards
Topdog/Underdog (2012)
Best Production - 2013 PEER Award
Best Actor - Bari Robinson- 2013 PEER Awards
Theatrical Highlight of 2012 - Portland Phoenix
Keith Powell Beyland, Artistic Director recently directed the critically-acclaimed DRC productions of Angels In America - Part One: Millennium Approaches, Angels In America - Part Two: Perestroika (PSC - co-directed), Grounded, The Moors (co-directed - Theatrical Highlight of 2022 - Portland Phoenix), Lungs, The Flick, Cock (the cockfight play) (co-directed - Theatrical Highlight of 2018 - Portland Phoenix), Venus In Fur (co-directed - Theatrical Highlight of 2017 - Portland Phoenix), The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence (Theatrical Highlight of 2015 - Portland Phoenix), Equivocation (co-directed, Theatrical Highlight of 2014 - Portland Phoenix), My Name Is Rachel Corrie (Theatrical Highlight of 2014 - Portland Phoenix), A Bright New Boise (co-production with Fenix Theatre, Theatrical Highlight of 2013 - Portland Phoenix), Topdog/Underdog (Best Production - 2013 PEER Award, Theatrical Highlight of 2012 - Portland Phoenix), [title of show], Tigers Be Still, Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, Life During Wartime and Blue/Orange. His full-length plays include Vision, The Waiting Room and Insomniac. Keith also wrote the Libretto for two ballets for children - Around the World with Flat Stanley: The Case of the Red Shoes and Red Riding Hood and the Big "Bad" Wolf which are currently in repertory with the Portland School of Ballet. He spent the last two decades working on and off Broadway with respected organizations like Roundabout Theatre Company, Manhattan Theatre Club, Signature Theatre Company (NY), The New Group, Berkshire Theatre Festival and Irondale Ensemble Project. Keith studied with Athol Fugard, John Patrick Shanley, Paula Vogel, Maria Irene Fornes, Anne Hamburger, Carey Perloff and Venable Herndon, among others. He holds a degree with Honors from the Dramatic Writing Program at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He is a Stroke Survivor.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Meg A Anderson Co-President
Sally Wood Co-President
Peter Brown
Marjorie Gallant
Casey Turner
Shane Van Vliet
Bess Welden
Michaela Wirth
Colleen A Madden
Vanessa SW Beyland
Sally Wood Co-President
Peter Brown
Marjorie Gallant
Casey Turner
Shane Van Vliet
Bess Welden
Michaela Wirth
Colleen A Madden
Vanessa SW Beyland